Caretaker's house
Design competition
special mention
Partner: Chiara Coppola.
The hilly cloister of the park of Villa Belpoggio-Baciocchi in Bologna is the place that houses the caretaker. The point where it, a small house of 80 square meters, is located is characterized by a considerable difference in height of 2 m, which from the highest part to the south descends homogenously towards the north. La scelta progettuale nasce proprio nello strutturare la casa, perfettamente inserita nel contesto naturale del parco, sfruttando il dislivello orografico. In fact it is perceived as a single material element which in the highest part of the soil rests on the ground and for another part it arises cantilever, and covers a portion of the park which becomes a kind of "internal space outside." This place in close relationship with the park, becomes the input space, in which a small staircase connects to the upper level where there are all the required functions; but it is also the place where the block of the house is emptied, in the terminal part, with a small patio, which allows the interchangeable relationship between what is below and what is above; thus illuminating the interior space of the living room. The stairway is part of a functional wall that divides the house lengthwise, separating the area of the rooms and services from the living room and kitchen-dining room. The entire embossement is supported by a basement structural core; a hollow pillar which becomes the guardian of the place of deposit and the technical and technological area of the residence. The entire cantilever is supported by a basement structural core; a hollow pillar which becomes the place of the caretaker and the technical and technological area of the residence.